Introducing Uncle Frank's EXCLUSIVE LayAway Program.

A Whole New Way To Own A Car!

Are you in desperate need of a vehicle but don't have the large down payment that most dealerships are asking for? Then the EXCLUSIVE LayAway program at Frank Myers Auto Maxx may be just what you're looking for.

$500.00 is all it takes to lay away a nicer, newer vehicle.

Here's How It Works:

  • Pick out any qualifying vehicle.
  • We'll review everything with you like price, monthly payment, interest rate, the remainder of your down payment and when you can take delivery of your new vehicle before you give us a final YES.
  • Give us the required $500 to layaway your new vehicle.
  • Sign your paperwork.
  • CONGRATULATIONS! It's that easy.

For more information about our EXCLUSIVE LayAway program, fill out the short 866-242-1277 or text 336-477-8970

EXCLUSIVE LayAway Program